Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Orleans Devestation

While Katrina was a category 5 and dropped a significant amount of rain, the majority of the devestation came from the flooding. There were two primary forces which contributed to the flooding:
  1. Storm surge
  2. Broken Levees (see Picture #1, Picture #2, Picture #3)
The levees prevented floods in the past from devestating New Orleans. However, once the levees broke, getting the water out of New Orleans became the larger problem. The water continued to rise days after the huricane had passed due to water feeding into the New Orleans "bowl" (see submerged neighborhood) from the compromised levees.

It is very challenging to prevent large amounts of water and gravity working together from causing utter desolation.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A secular article on homeschooling

Wow! A secular article on homeschooling. I have heard and seen the media report on homeschooling in the past. But, I believe this is one of the fairest assessments that I have seen to date.

ABC News: What Does 'Back to School' Mean?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sprouted Bread

The Food For Life Bread Co. provides a great alternative to ordinary baked goods.

My favorite is the Genesis 1:29 bread. I admit, it is an aquired taste... there's no added sugar. Look at the bread closely, you'll see the diference. We also get their hot dog buns, and I'm going to try the english muffins soon.

It is especially good eaten with warm butter in the morning.

I have seen their products at Whole Foods and other health food stores.